Cdock Mojave

  1. Dock Mojave Valley
  2. Cdock Macos Mojave
Cdock Mojave

CDock gives you full control over the Dock. There are tons of ways to customize the look and feel of the Dock. You can even enable some awesome hidden features. CDock is designed to make theming your Dock easy and robust. Give it a go and find what your Docks has been missing! CDock is a little free app, which not only allows you to make the Dock transparent, but also allows for more extensive customisation for those who wish. A Thank you for passing on this useful information. CDock does indeed appear to work very nicely under Mavericks, Yosemite, and beta releases of El Capitan (10.11), offering a wide choice of. MAC DOCK is a Windows desktop enhancement utility which adds a Mac OS X-like dock to your desktop. It allows you to launch programs, similar to how the menu system works on OS X computers.

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Dock Mojave Valley

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Cdock Macos Mojave

  • NewSupport for macOS Big Sur Betas 6 +
  • NewOption to set custom images for tiles (supports gifs)
  • NewOption to adjust indicator offset
  • ImprovedTile coloring is now a filter on the tile layer instead of coloring the tile image
  • ImprovedCustom background for left edge flips 180° when dock is set to right edge
  • ImprovedMinimized window dimming
  • FixedApp not auto-restarting dock when a new bundle was installed
  • FixedBug with injection causing crash on right click
  • Fixed'Click app Tiles to toggle hiding' on macOS 10.15 and below
  • FixedContinuity background hiding
  • FixedCrash when refreshing layers if a cached tile was missing
  • FixedCrash related to hiding running apps
  • FixedCrash related to fetching dock tile references
  • FixedCrash with continuity tile if reflections were disabled
  • FixedCrash if 3D dock enabled and no recent item separator existed
  • FixedCustom indicators being located higher than previous versions
  • FixedHidden apps sometimes leaving a straggler indicator
  • FixedIndicator layer drawing above tiles
  • FixedIssue where tile labels would sometimes show when disabled
  • FixedItems added to hidden icon list not applying until dock restart
  • FixedLag when blur reflections were enabled with mouse over magnification
  • FixedLicensing issues
  • FixedMemory leak with blurred icon reflections
  • FixedMemory leak with fetching dock tile references
  • FixedPreferences window tool-bar not displaying in some cases
  • FixedRecent item separator layer modification
  • FixedSmall memory leak with custom icon coloring