Edge Win

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  1. Edge Win8
  2. Download Ms Edge Win 10
  3. Edge Windows
Edge wins wwe championshipWin

Test IE11 and Microsoft Edge Legacy using free Windows 10 virtual machines you download and manage locally Select a download Virtual Machines Select one IE8 on Win7 (x86) IE9 on Win7 (x86) IE10 on Win7 (x86) IE11 on Win7 (x86) IE11 on Win81 (x86) MSEdge on Win10 (x64) Stable 1809 Choose a VM platform: Select one. Microsoft Edge native support as of Stable version 88 for Apple Silicon Macs. Microsoft Edge does not support Chromebooks. Microsoft Edge support on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 extended to January 15, 2022. Microsoft Edge support for Apple Silicon Macs.

Edge Win

Edge Win8

Edge wins royal rumbleEdge

Edge for Windows Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Windows 8.1 This update is not intended to target Enterprise devices. Specifically, this update targets devices that run Windows 7 SP1 or later versions and Windows 8.1 or later versions that are either Home, Professional, Ultimate, Starter, or Core editions.

Download Ms Edge Win 10

Before installing, please note:

These virtual machines expire after 90 days. We recommend setting a snapshot when you first install the virtual machine which you can roll back to later. Mac users will need to use a tool that supports zip64, like The Unarchiver, to unzip the files.
The password to your VM is 'Passw0rd!'

View installation instructions

Edge Windows

The Microsoft Software License Terms for the Microsoft Edge and IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms.