Evernote Integration

Easy integration: Embed, NPM & API. Perfect in every pixel. All the symbols are available in most popular formats, including optimized webfont. Evernote is a handy application that is used by many of our customers to record notes, photos, and other important information about their clients and projects. With Insightly's Evernote integration, you can find and import your Evernote items directly from your Insightly records. In each record's Notes subtab, you can click the Evernote icon to search and link to your Evernote items. I use Evernote reminders to bring items related to my monthly themes back to the forefront at the start of each month. For example, I received an Evernote reminder on the first of this month to start working on my next book. It wasn’t a task so much as it was a note that displayed some content I’d written that was meant to jumpstart the. Evernote Integration for Slack Evernote Evernote uses cookies to enable the Evernote service and to improve your experience with us. To learn more, check out our cookie policy.

updated: Mar 25, 2020
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Using LiveChat and Evernote on daily basis? Good, if you find those two useful you can marry them up. If your chat visitors give you inspirational ideas about your webpage, have queries about their purchases (on which you need to check later) or report errors via LiveChat then you can create a tag for such chats and save them as notes in Evernote.

Here’s a tutorial with instructions on how to create a Zap that will create a note in your Evernote after a ‘note’ tag is added to a chat.

Creating the Evernote – LiveChat Zap

Creating a Zap consists of four main parts:

  1. Setting up the trigger
  2. Adding a filter
  3. Configuring the action
  4. Launching the Zap

Setting up LiveChat trigger

Evernote Integrations

The first step to set up this integration is to determine a condition that will trigger an action in your Evernote account.

In this integration Chat changed trigger will be used.

  1. Log in to Zapier and click on Make a Zap in the upper menu.
  1. Choose LiveChat as the Trigger App.
  2. Select Chat changed as the Trigger.
  1. Click on Save + Continue to proceed.
  2. Select Connect a New Account and then provide your LiveChat login email and the API key. Next, click on Yes, continue to accept.
  1. You can rename your account. Then confirm your choice by clicking on Save + Continue.
  2. Select Fetch & Continue to test this step and make sure it is working properly.

Adding a filter

The second step is adding a filter that will only pass the chats with a ‘note’ tag further.

  1. Go to the filter section in Zapier and choose the tag of the chats that you want to pass to Evernote.
  1. Then confirm by clicking Continue button.

Configuring the action in Evernote

High time to configure what will happen in Evernote after the tag is added to a chat.

  1. Choose Evernote as Action App.
  2. Then choose Create Note as the action and confirm by clicking on Continue.
  3. Select your Evernote account and confirm the choice by clicking on Continue.
  4. Authorize Zapier to access your Evernote by clicking Authorize in the pop-up window.
  1. Next, decide which data will be passed in your Note.
  1. After you finish, click on Continue button down the page to proceed.
  2. Zapier will ask you to test the Zap. Follow the instructions to make sure your Zap is working correctly.
  3. Next, click on the Finish button.

Launching the Zap

All tested? Let’s turn this integration on then.

  1. Turn the Zap on by clicking on the grey switch and start passing information from LiveChat to Evernote.

Congratulations! You have just linked your LiveChat with Evernote through Zapier. From now on, transcript of each chat with a ‘note’ tag will be passed as a new note.


Github: create an issue after a bug is reported via chat

Evernote Integration Apps

Pass your chats on which the issues were reported from LiveChat to GitHub after setting up this Zapier-based integration.

Read the articleEvernote Integration

Jira integration

Tutorial on how to set up an integration through Zapier to pass data to Jira after a LiveChat chat with a specific tag is over.

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