Zotero Connector Firefox

因此,Zotero+Papership这对组合构建的不仅是文献管理生态,更是一个知识管理生态。 搭建Zotero+Papership文献生态包括如下几个基本步骤: 下载好Zotero Connector和Zotero Standalone版本,并完成安装。 注册Zotero账户,下载ZotFile插件(后面详细介绍)。完成Zotero和ZotFile的. Zotero Connectors. Home Connectors. Install the Zotero Connector for Chrome. Zotero Connectors allow you to save to Zotero directly from your web browser. For Mac, Windows, and Linux. Type about:config in the address bar of Firefox and search for “zotero.httpServer”. You'll want to double-click on the entry extensions.zotero.httpServer.enabled and restart Firefox. Then install the connector in the other browser (Chrome or Safari) and also restart this browser.


After installation, open Zotero then open your browser. In your browser, you will see a Zotero icon in the upper-right corner. It might look like a Web page icon, an article icon, or a book icon. There are other icons, but those are the most common.

Zotero is organized into three adjustable panels.

Zotero Connector For Chrome

The left panel organizes the groups of citations. To create a new folder in the library, right click on the 'My Library' icon and select 'New Collection.' Whatever folder is highlighted when you begin to capture citations is the folder where the citations will be stored.

The middle panel shows a list of the citations in a folder, which users may drag and drop from one folder to another.

The right panel displays a close-up of an citation, allows editing of the citation, and has additional tools such as notes and tags. Click in any of the fields to edit as necessary, such as with Web page citations.

The Notes tab can be very useful for taking notes as you read or hold a discussion in class about an item. Notes are unlimited and use a rich text format, so you can use options such as bold, center, etc. Each note is automatically saved to the citation it was created under and alphabetically sorts under that citation. The name is the first few words you type in the note.

Zotero Plugin For Internet Explorer

Tags are often imported from the database from the subjects or subject headings of that database, so don't be surprised if you see tags attached to a citation. You may add your own tags using the 'Add' button. Docker community edition for ubuntu. These can include your own words and phrases for subjects, the name of the professor, the class, and the quarter. Tags such as these will help you find material a quarter or more later when you have forgotten all else.

You may then search using the tags attached to the citations using Zotero's quick search.

The Related tab allows you to create mutual connections between citations so that each will appear in the other's Related tab.