1. Boinc Manager
  2. Folding At Home
  3. Boinc Pi
Statistics for SETI@home:

More detailed statistics for SETI@home and other BOINC-based projects are available at several web sites:

Boinc Manager

Boinc state displayer: boinctui: Fullscreen text mode manager for BOINC: MultiTail: Multitail shows several simultaneous tails in different curses windows. SETI@Boinc Tracker: SETI@Boinc Tracker is a GUI Client for Tracking Boinc CLI Client! BoincTasks: An advanced and powerful BOINC GUI (requires Wine) BOINCSTAT: Command line view of BOINC status.

  • Join BOINC and use the idle time on your computer to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research.
  • DC-Vault (Include non-BOINC projects) BOINC Combined Statistics developed by James Drews SETI@Netherlands stats page; Formula BOINC (Team ranking based on position within projects, as in Formula 1 racing, rather than total points) BOINCstats by Willy de Zutter You can also get your current statistics in the form of a 'signature image'.
Boinc.berkeley.eduBoinc account manager

Folding At Home

  • BOINC Combined Statistics developed by James Drews
  • Formula BOINC (Team ranking based on position within projects, as in Formula 1 racing, rather than total points)
  • SETIBZH Stats (cross-project team stats; available in French, English, Spanish, German)
  • Free-DC (Includes non-BOINC projects and completed projects.)
  • BOINCstats by Willy de Zutter
  • DC-Vault (Include non-BOINC projects)
BOINCYou can also get your current statistics in the form of a 'signature image':

Boinc Pi

  • (User-configurable stats counters. Cool!)
  • BOINC UK (Highly configurable!)
  • BOINC All Project Stats (Signature files for both users and teams)
  • BOINCstats by Willy de Zutter
Additionally you can get your individual statistics summed across all BOINC projects from several sites; see your home page .